
  • Contitech. ContiDrive APP

    Since research articles to news and complete information, the new app ContiDrive carries the full universe of belts and belt drive components from ContiTech for the smartphone. For the search items, the app offers the user two possibilities. Through direct introduction of article number / comparative number or input of vehicle data. The ContiDrive app […]

  • The system AdBlue

    This technology reduces the environmental impact in diesel German group is now displayed in a work where the operation of the system is explained, the advantages and also the way it is implemented in different designs. The AdBlue technology is one of those used by Volkswagen in reducing the emissions of its diesel cars, achieving […]

  • Official Brand warranty – Rules

    The European Commission on the date of July 31 2002 published Regulation 1400/2002. One of the objectives of this regulation is to prevent the monopoly of official dealers in respect to revisions of the vehicles…